October 2019
Hon’ble Justice Kurian Joseph, Former Supreme Court Judge of India visited Royale Hayat Hospital and delivered a talk on Professional Ethics. This meeting was attended by Senior Leaders, Heads of Department, and Administrative and Nursing staff. In his talk, Justice Kurian Joseph elucidated the meaning of ethics, morality, conscience and the significance of laws in regulating and preventing chaos.
He elucidated the importance of listening to our conscience and according to him conscience cautions us when something is incorrect. It doesn’t encourage us when we do the right. The voice of the conscience ask us to do what is good and to avoid evil, tells us inwardly at the right movement to do this and ignore the other. Our dignity lies in observing this unwritten law and this conscience is man's most secret core and his reserve.
He emphasized that a good doctor treats the illness whereas a great doctor focusses on treating the patient who has an illness. He also discussed about the cultural differences that influence the perception of ethics.
Mr. Shibu Mathew, CFO & HR Director welcomed while Mr. Dennis Joseph, Director of Quality introduced the Chief Guest. After his speech Hon’ble Justice spend time to interact and responded to the concerns raised by the participants.